Thursday, February 15, 2007

Blog 6 - The First Video

For this group project, Jeff, Todd, and MySelf are all in basically the same classes this quarter. We knew eachother from before this class and just decided to make it a group effort. We decided to use Adobe Premier Pro to create our group video because it is an extremely extensive program and pretty easy to use. We met at my house 3 times over the past few weeks for about 2 hours putting our ideas togather and working on photoshop creating images. During our first meeting we were able to decide what we were going to make this video about. I think Jeff and Todd probably had the best ideas. We should be done with this project sometime this weekend. I am excited to see the final product!

I Commented on Jeff's Blog

Monday, February 12, 2007

Blog 5 - Graphic Design and Contemporary Literacy

I believe that graphic design and page layout has much to do with contemporary literacy and learning. This is because these design concepts must appeal to contemporary styles in order to appeal to current standards. If these layouts and designs are compiled in a pleasant, easy to read with exciting themes, then the attention of the reader will be kept. All of these aspects are crucial to learning and literacy.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Blog 4

In my personal opinion, I believe that a newsletter could be used in publishing news for an intranet homepage. The company I had an internship with over the summer had an intranet page where news could be posted and with my career in training and corporate installation, I could inform employees about new technologies and upcoming events.