Friday, May 25, 2007

Blog 9

Some of the changes I've noticed in web design is the shift to entertainment and multimedia. The web has always been a good place for entertainment but I believe that with the implementation of video and multimedia allow for a much better experience. Additionally, this shift will allow online courses and even classroom courses access to online tools that will help students learn better and have fun doing it. This has become more apparent to me after attending this class.

I commented on Jeff's and Todd's Blog

Blog 8

During the experience of this class, i have learned about some new features with macromedia dreamweaver, fireworks, and flash. I think that software like fireworks and flash are the future of Internet. People are stimulated by video and moving pictures. Some of the most successful sites on the Internet are based on entertainment. I was able to help Jeff and Todd learn more about designing websites and this in turn helped me especially because my major is technical training. The sites that I have tagged on my Delicious Page are probably some of the most helpful resources that I have found on the Internet.

Click Here!!

I encourage everyone to look at them and see if they can help.

I commented on Jeff's and Todd's Blog

Bloggage 7

Here is a list of three different website that include video to enhance the purpose of the site.

An obvious video site would be You Tube

This site puts a well rated video on its homepage and uses that to get you involved in the site. If you like the video, It will suggest other similar videos.

Another site that uses video on its main site is IMDB.

This site has a few advertisements that are videos. This can provide advertising funds so that the site can offer its services for free. Some people may get annoyed at the adverts and leave the site. There are pro's and con's to this.

My last site listed is Verizon Wireless

This is my cell provider. On the main site, video is used to display current offers and showcase new cellphones. I think it is a great way to increase business and provide good information to potential customers.

I commented on Jeff's and Todd's Blog

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Blog Number Six

I installed Itunes so that I could subscribe to a few podcasts. Here is the list of ones I subscribed to!

1) Geek Tech Live
2) Mobile Media Developer
3) Tech Stew
4) PC Mechanic
5) Source Trunk

I made some comments on Scott's Blog
and Todd's Blog.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Blog #5

My account on is
Here you will find some interesting and helpful links that I use professionally.

I commented on Tia1012's blog
I commented on Jeff's blog

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Blog Four

In my blog this week I will talk about the concept of fair use. The concept of fair use has been around since the inception of the copyright, This was long before digital file sharing or even the photocopier. Fair use can have many applications. Fair use for nonprofit educational purposes means that teachers can use copyrighted materials in their classroom, but they still have to accurately credit the material and in some cases pay for it.For educational purposes I think that fair use should be executed.

One of the main sites I found with images for use with alternative copyrights is

This site offers a wide range of options. Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved." I think this is a popular method especially with the advancement of technology and the Internet.

I commented on Todd's Blog
I commented on Jeff's Blog

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Blog Numbaa Three

I plan on making a multi-purpose informational news site located at Public Truth. I used this website back in the 04 elections and as of now it's just a blank page. The homepage will be a news site that will have pictures and animated graphics that relate to current news about the site. It will have a top navigation bar that will allow you to look at My personal site as well as Jeff and Todd's. It will also include past and current class projects. The audience for this site will probably be friends, classmates and family. I chose this content because I believe it will be interesting for the reader. The style of the site will include black blue and white colors. It will also have picture sideshows made in macromedia flash. Speaking of flash, I don't really have much experience with it and after playing around with it for a few hours, I was able to get a sample slide show going. I will post that in a few days. It's going to be challenging but I am excited to see the finished product.

On a second note, I just wanted to share a picture of myself at work (8-help) writing my blog.. You will notice the extreme excitement!

I commented on Jeff's Blog
I commented on Josh's Blog

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Blog #2

I will list 3 of my favorite website and discuss what design aspects make them stand out. - I believe that facebook is one of my favorite designed sites. I think this primarily because the site itself stays very uniform. The navigation and links are constant not to mention there are little to no adds. - Gmail is a great site for webmail. The layout of the mail folders and the embedded google specific scripts allows for convenient sending and receiving of email. Also has a good help system built in to the site. - I enjoy the navigation of this site. It is easy to look up stock quotes and chart stock patterns through one simple search site. Navigation is on the top and left side of the site. It stays constant.I would like to make a site similar to this.

I commented on Jeff's Blog.
I commented on Todd's Blog.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Blog #1 - Intro

Hello, My name is John Graff. I am a 25 year old Junior at OSU. My major is Corporate Technical Training. I have always been interested in web design and administration. I started a web design and administration company in 2002, Tri-Rivers Networking, In Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I administer three web and mail servers, two windows 2003 corporate and one debian linux server. I host six websites, four of which I have designed. I administer two companies remotely, Connections And Wiring Inc. a Security and Satellite Installation company in Pittsburgh and Allegheny Heritage Builders Inc. I have an associates in network administration. I believe knowledge gained in school and just putzing around with different web design programs has helped me learn a great deal. My favorite web design languages are asp and php (SQL Databased). Most of my sites are php. I know basic html and javascript. I am happy to be in this class because I know that I will learn more about web design strategies and most importantly I want to help others in my class. Here is a listing of my websites:

Hosted and Designed:
Pittsburgh Pimps
Starscope - Music Library
Pittsburgh Powerski

Allegheny Heritage Inc.
Connections and Wiring Inc.

Under Construction
Tri Rivers Networking Inc.
Public Truth


I commented on Todd's Blog
I commented on Adam's Blog

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Blog 9

I have noticed many changes in my understanding of both Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premier. I have learned much about the process of graphic design and the creation of digital video. I had some previous experience with Adobe Photoshop and this class has strengthened my abilities as well as showing me new tools and features. My experiences with making movies on Premier was exciting! I was able to see how professional movies are created and the benefits that come with having the knowledge to create them. I look forward to using this knowledge I have gained for my future career.

I commented on Mark's Blog.

Blog 8

In my field, corporate technical training, I will defiantly have to create videos and presentations for my students. I think that the experience I am getting from this class will help me in the future for when I need to make or edit a presentation for my specific needs. Most of the ideas for these type of videos would be specific for the company that I work for. I just know that people are visually stimulated and having the ability to create an educational video will be an extremely helpful tool.

I commented on Jon's Blog

Blog 7

Our Next video is going to consist of us sitting around a table or room trying to open a beer can. We will complain about how how hard it is to open cans. "Hey Jeff what did you do with all those things we dug up from the yard. Look guys they open cans." We're going to do a QVC infomercial, look it opens cans pop cans beer cans juice cans, women can save finger nails with the amazing poptopper. one of us or a girl will demonstrate how it will save fingernails. We will have product hanging in back of the video , demonstrate with us behind tabletop and show all the uses of the pop topper. We will have a countdown like they do on QVC ,flip to other screen with adobe photoshop edited screen with clock and still picture of poptopper, with prices and special deals available now to our select customers on QVC. Have special poptoppers, gold plated , a double poptopper, two of them glued together. We will show all of its uses and demonstrate the benefits! We will have a great time making this video.

I commented on Richard's Blog

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Blog 6 - The First Video

For this group project, Jeff, Todd, and MySelf are all in basically the same classes this quarter. We knew eachother from before this class and just decided to make it a group effort. We decided to use Adobe Premier Pro to create our group video because it is an extremely extensive program and pretty easy to use. We met at my house 3 times over the past few weeks for about 2 hours putting our ideas togather and working on photoshop creating images. During our first meeting we were able to decide what we were going to make this video about. I think Jeff and Todd probably had the best ideas. We should be done with this project sometime this weekend. I am excited to see the final product!

I Commented on Jeff's Blog

Monday, February 12, 2007

Blog 5 - Graphic Design and Contemporary Literacy

I believe that graphic design and page layout has much to do with contemporary literacy and learning. This is because these design concepts must appeal to contemporary styles in order to appeal to current standards. If these layouts and designs are compiled in a pleasant, easy to read with exciting themes, then the attention of the reader will be kept. All of these aspects are crucial to learning and literacy.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Blog 4

In my personal opinion, I believe that a newsletter could be used in publishing news for an intranet homepage. The company I had an internship with over the summer had an intranet page where news could be posted and with my career in training and corporate installation, I could inform employees about new technologies and upcoming events.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Ideas for Professional Use of Photoshop

My degree is going to be in Corporate Technical Training. My dream job would be to work for a company in their implimentation and project management department. I would travel to a customer and teach the employees a specific technical task or how to use a specific device. I love meeting new people and I also love to travel. I think that most of my work will be presentation based, so there will be instances where I will need to make graphics and possibly edit existing pictures in order to give a good presentation. I think photoshop would be the ideal software for such a task.

My Experience with Photoshop

I have always enjoyed using photoshop to edit images. I received a copy of photoshop 7 right after high school. I didn't use the program for anything professional, mainly just for editing pictures of my friends for a good laugh. Some of the tools and procedures that we have used in class I have a good deal of experience with. Over the past few weeks I have learned many new techniques that I am sure will be helpful in my career someday. Other than my classwork with photoshop, I use the program for editing, creating, and printing covers for my software and movie collection. This class is by far the most enjoyable class that I am taking this quarter because I love graphic design and I know that I will need it for my career.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

About me

I love hanging out with my buds, drinking, sports (mainly hockey and golf), skiing, and going on vacation! (Cause Pittsburgh's weather SUCKS!) I was born are raised in Pittsburgh and I moved to Columbus in August 05 to attend school at Ohio State University. Studying Computer Science/Engineering. Anyways... I love watching sports GO STEELERS!! GO BUCKEYES!! and I am always in the mood to watch a good movie!